Absolute World Towers in Mississauga, Ontario

absolute world towers mississauga ontario canada

Absolute World Towers

Standing 56 and 50 floors high, the Absolute World Towers are the tallest skyscrapers in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. The South Tower is the higher and was completed in 2011. The North Tower followed soon after with a 2012 completion. The towers are directly across from the Square One Shopping Centre in the heart of Mississauga.

Once just a suburb of Toronto, the downtown core of Canada’s largest city could be seen if the Absolute World Towers were not in the way, Mississauga is now a city of its own with a population of more than 700,000 and growing rapidly.

The Absolute World Towers have been nicknamed the Marilyn Monroe towers for their unorthodox curvy shape. The towers are beautiful during the day but even more attractive at night. I was able to get some great shots, again from the top floor of the Square One parking garage, after the sun went down. Take a look here: Mississauga Night Images.

This image was taken from the parking garage at Square One at the end of March, 2013. The following HD video was taken the same day as the image above. Take a look – if you like what you see, be sure to hit the ‘thumb’s up’ button. If you love what you see, please share with friends!

Absolute World Towers Video

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